As we talked about last week I really believe you can pretty much have anything you want.

Let’s be clear here, I am not referring to my ‘dream man’, his name is Ady, as a possession. I am talking about the idea of having the life you want, at all levels. So many of us let life happen to us, but standing up for what you want gets results. You’ll see what I mean as you read on.

So how is this connected to business, the normal subject of my posts?

In order to take the leap into business you have to believe you can make it work. Of course none of us do this alone, we know we’ll need help, but in order to take the leap we need to believe in our ability to shape our own reality.

I could tell you a bunch of stories about business successes (and if you want one of those click here) but I find it’s easier to internalise this idea of creating what you want when it’s not another business success story in a world that is full of ‘look how much money I made’ stories, most of which aren’t as transparent or useful as mine.

Plus personal stories are always more interesting because they are personal.

Last week I shared the journey of how I moved to paradise. Today I’m sharing how I met my dream man.

The purpose of this IS NOT to say ‘Hey, look at me and my awesome life!’. Quite the opposite. The purpose is to show that actually often things don’t come easily, but baby steps, a clear vision and being willing to go for what you want FUELED BY THE BELIEF that you can better your life really does work miracles.

Alright! Let’s get to it!

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I’ll admit it, I am concerned about this three part series sounding self-absorbed, but there’s a reason behind my potential ‘oversharing’.

I talk to a lot of people who have trouble seeing this truth:

You really can have pretty much anything you want.

Okay, if you want to become an astronaut then there are some pretty stringent requirements, but for most things in life a lot more is under control than you might realise.

I think we all know this at some level, but once we really internalize it our lives become much much more a product of our own design.

Rather than bumbling along and feeling stressed and busy and then noticing that life happened to us.

I’m going to show you what designing your life can look like by sharing three personal stories about big changes that I’ve created in my life.

Of course building a business is a HUGE change that I’ve made happen but what I find is there has to be a mental shift before you can think about starting a business. So I’m going to share some different stories that I hope will inspire and empower you to create big changes in your own life.

Those changes could be related to business, or something completely different. It’s all about stepping into a bigger version of your life and taking a more active role in designing it.

So does this mean I’m perfect?

No, of course not. I am always making new ‘designs’. At the moment my big project is losing 30 kilos of ‘new to Australian fat’. I’ll update you on that one a few months down the road, maybe ;-)

There’s nearly always something, but the point is if there is something in your life that isn’t serving you – truly dramatic change is possible.

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There is an idea circulating out there that if you write a blog you can make big money with it.

This leads people to think they are going to start a business and it’s going to be a blog.

What I want to do today is explain how a blog can be monetized and what the numbers really look like.

So if you are thinking of starting a blog or if you are in business and everyone is telling you you need to be blogging you can make a decision on whether or not it’s the right path for you.

Let’s dig in…

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This week I had to prepare myself for something that was pretty darn scary for me. It was an interview with a big name in the industry, essentially someone I view as Internet Marketing royalty. It may well be viewed by thousands of people. Note: if you are wondering how to get these kinds of opportunities I have some great content coming up about publicity.

As it was my interview got rescheduled 2 hours before it happened, BUT it did allow me to pull together everything I’ve got on preparing for a BIG SCARY THING.

If you do choose the path of an entrepreneur at some point something will be put in front of you that you know lots of awesomeness is on the other side of – but it’s really stretching your comfort zone to do it.

This just comes with the territory so if it hasn’t happened so far, just know at some point you will want these tools.

Not that challenges don’t come up at a 9-5, they do, but the likelihood is you and going to care a whole lot more about the results when it’s your own work.

Here’s how I prepared this week and what I recommend you do too.

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If you’ve had an awesome year, hit all your goals and you’re resting on your laurels feeling like you nailed it this post isn’t for you.

If, on the other hand, when you reflect back on what you wanted to achieve this year, you feel a bit (or a lot) disappointed, then this is for you.

Us overachievers have a tendency to get in our own way, blame ourselves and have expectations of ourselves that no friend would ever hold us to.

So let’s take a look at what could be going on here, how to think about it and what to do from here.

(Read: You are going to feel a lot better in just a few minutes – hooray!)

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