If you’ve ever worried about sharing a business idea or waited for a business idea to come to you in a flash of inspiration this blog post is for you.

I’m sharing 5 myths about business ideas that I think will settle any fear of ‘losing’ ideas, your ideas not being special enough or not getting ideas in the first place.

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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “online business”?

Is it working on your laptop by the pool? Taking your business on the road with you? Talking with clients on Skype or Zoom? Having a website for your business?

Does it sound exciting or does it sound ‘remote’? Does it sound like something that’s possible or interesting for you or does it sound like something you are not even sure you could make work for what you do?

Here’s the really great news I have for you:

The truth is that you can make your “online” business as “online” as you want it to be.

And that can be fully online, partly online or mainly offline with a website to support you.

It all depends on what you want.

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Does your entrepreneurial journey feel like a bit of a roller coaster?

It probably comes as no surprise that starting a business is rewarding, but it also involves a lot of hard work and effort. (It really is a marathon, not a sprint.)

You have to be in it for the long haul – which is why you need both mindset and strategy.

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Pretty much from birth we all learn about working hard to achieve something.

We need to strive to get somewhere – to finally arrive in life.

But then, when we get to wherever that “somewhere” is, we often forget that once that was a huge big deal and our sole focus and just move on to the next thing.

Which raises the question – do we ever get there?

How do we know when we’ve “made it”?

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Are you thinking – how you did WHAT?! I know, it’s a bit of a wild card. I wanted to add the caveat “for a brief moment in time” but the article title is already ridiculously long.

We started the How You Can Pretty Much Have Anything You Want Series with how I moved to paradise (before starting my business) which was a story of consistent steps in the right direction.

Then we went to how I found my dream man which was a story of keeping at it, with quite a few failures, trusting my intuition and eventually getting there.

The final story is one of failing, giving up, making an ass of myself in public on an ongoing basis, until I finally triumphed for a brief moment in time.

No really, that’s how it went :-) I’m laughing thinking back now.

So I think we’re clear by now that I definitely not perfect. These stories aren’t actually about me though. They are about the fact that as the series is titled… You Really Can Have Pretty Much Anything You Want.

The ways that you get there may be different but there is a common thread in the approach.

And what I want for you for than anything is for you to have what you want in life.

So let’s hear the story and the learnings from it.

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