"Cat is a visionary coach who helps her clients uncover their profitable business idea. With Cat's help, you'll be thinking bigger, getting into consistent action, and finally launching that successful business you've always dreamed of."
Selena Soo, Business + Publicity Strategist s2-groupe.com
"What do I love about Cat? Let me count the ways. She's generous , warm, and easy to talk to. She took the time to listen to my story and the disparate bits and pieces of my experience, skills and talents with a rare combination of empathy and sharp insight.
The guidance she gave me was so spot on that it made it easy to simply follow her suggestions and now we are moving really fast in the direction of my dreams. In fact we were able to secure clients for my new venture within a week.
She has taught me how to work with my own 'zone of genius' to find the value in the market place. Cat has the experience in getting started in a new business that I do not have and her working with me takes a huge burden off my shoulders. I am gaining confidence in myself all because of having her on my team. I cannot recommend her highly enough!"
Patricia Tallman, Actor, USA
"Cat LeBlanc is the real deal. Her insights, experience, kindness, and good old-fashioned common sense are a rare breed in entrepreneurs — and coaches.
The business world is filled with "do this, get that!" messages and products, but it's never that easy — if it were, we'd all be sipping champagne on our obnoxiously oversized yachts! What I love about Cat is that she sees through the BS. Her business and brand are filled with her own flavor of success and she is brilliant at helping others find theirs, too. And ultimately, that's what real success is — your own vision on your own terms, brought to life in Technicolor!
If you're considering working with Cat, do it! Her full heart and sharp mind will lead your business to new heights. See you at the top!"
Victoria Prozan, Business Storyteller + Visual Communicator, USA victoriaprozan.com
"“The first consultation I had with Cat confirmed for me that she was the person that could help me. Step by step she helped me unpack all of the muddle in my head to figure out what I was really passionate about. I’ve now quit my day job and I’m now totally working from home and absolutely loving it. I've had a 700% return on investment on working with Cat.
So if you’re thinking about hiring Cat, don’t just think about it, do it! Do whatever you have to do to hire her because you will be taking the right step to help you do what I did, which is go from dreaming about my future life while I was chained to a cubicle desk - to working from home. Working with clients that I love. Making my own money in my own way, delivering the best value that I possibly can for people and its all thanks to Cat.”
Lisa Maria, Coach, Trainer & Speaker, USA lisamariacoach.com
"Despite going to college for business, I had absolutely no idea how to start an online business! Prior to finding Cat, I was going around in circles that didn't even make sense. With Cat's help I understood how to build my business efficiently using her multi-step approach!
Cat has a gift of helping women tune into their special gifts and taking them through proven systems.
Because the foundational blocks were set while working with Cat, I was able to pick up clients almost immediately online and only a handful of months later celebrated my first $15k month!
If you're ready to start your online business, Cat is the one to trust. She puts serious thought and testing into all her work and you can be sure you'll be in good hands! "
Lyndsey Brent Business & Sales Strategist, USA
“Cat is so talented at what she does and is a great mentor who I truly respect. She genuinely cares about her client and she's one of the most loving person I have met. It was an absolute pleasure working with her on and I am really looking forward to working with her more in the future."
Elva Li, Australia
"I kept thinking and thinking about starting my online business, but never knew quite where to start. I had a lot of information, but until I took Ignition, I didn't know where to start. Through this program I have achieved clarity on my initial idea (and have one or two ideas for the future!). A lot of other programs will help you get started, but it seems like you need to have significant cash to even get started. Ignition shows you how to build your business while making money and obtaining clients quickly. It's the best how-to for determining your niche market that I've ever seen!"
Tyne Rieck Owner - Full Tilt Experience
"Cat is down-to-earth, easy to talk to, and really listens. Instead of pointing out what I was doing wrong, she identified what I was doing right and where I can do more of it to help my business grow. Her ideas are solutions-based and realistic, and I'm excited to get back to work, implement Cat's insights and take my business up to the next level!"
Susanne Kahlich, Germany, prettydeadly.org
"Working with Cat was the best in investment I could have made in my business to help me make the jump to the next level. When I started working with her, I was feeling stuck, I was frustrated with my progress and I had used all the free resources I could get my hands on. I had invested in a couple of the online programs (you know, the ones where the most valuable resource is the people in their facebook group) and I wasn't creating the forward momentum I wanted (and by that point, needed). Cat helped me to systemize, monetize and upgrade my company to the point that it's now a profitable business, not an expensive hobby. I had my first $5,000 month, launched my 100% online program (with 5 paid clients) and tripled my private coaching rates. Plus, she's a lot of fun to work with, while still being extremely effective!"
Katy Flatau, Certified Coach & Career Change Specialist, USA mindful-u.com
"Through working with Cat my life has changed dramatically. I have a sense of direction and know that I am moving towards the life that I dream of. My daily efforts are directed towards this creation process. It is empowering knowing that I have everything I need to create a business that I love.
Cat gave me the confidence to see and appreciate my unique set of experiences and skills. Something that I had never noticed before. Working with her was an eye opener. I've now started working with my first client!"
Suhaila Sinn, Business Consultant, Italy
"Cat believed in me and guided me through building my business from the ground up - from getting the initial idea right, my messaging and creating my offers all the way through to what to put on my website. She gave me all the tools I needed and also introduced me to the online world. I'm forever grateful for her help."
Linn Lindgren, Sales Strategist, Sweden
"I'd been talking about starting a business for nearly 10 years. Somehow I just figured it would happen because I had all the resources and effectively 'knew' what to do. But years went by and I never took the leap. So one day I realised I'd had enough, I was sick of being 'all talk' and looked for someone who could push me to take that leap of faith, start my business and make me accountable.
Thankfully, I found Cat. Six months after working with Cat I'd quit my job and was able to live on the income from my business. It's been 9 months since that time and I'm still working for myself, have multiple clients on the books and am working from home.
Best of all my confidence has grown exponentially over the last 12 months, in all areas of my life, simply because I pushed myself and saw the results of taking massive action. And because of that, and my work experience since, I literally feel like I can do anything. In fact I've just started a new business in fashion and personal styling that I'm super excited about also, so watch this space!
I'd highly recommend working with Cat if you're after a coach who's whip smart, down to earth, emotionally intelligent and focused on getting you results."
Nikki Boer, Australia contenu.co
"Before working with Cat I felt like I was in a pause period - stuck in my indecision... stuck in a fear of failing (again!). But now, because of Cat and her program, I'm committed to a new business. I'm focused and moving forward! Woot! What's especially awesome is that Cat helped me set up my business in a way that I feel confident about and that I'm not second guessing. What a relief! Oh, and Cat's phenomenal about keeping up with the Facebook community. She really does care about your success and is constantly interacting with us and encouraging us to jump in and share what's going on. I highly recommend working with Cat!"
Jerilyn Veldof, USA, ecoursecoach.com
"I worked with Cat because I wanted to change my business because I wasn't feeling excited about the previous one. I was also getting used to raising a young toddler and figuring out how my business could fit in with my new schedule. I was struggling with finding the right idea and niche and I wanted to set it up correctly from the start.
Cat is so full of knowledge and always had a great answer for my millions of questions. Cat was a master at giving feedback in a way that would help you to improve without making you feel like an idiot. Every piece of feedback was so valuable and I could really trust her business advice.
Now I'm ready to go with a new business that I'm excited about!
If it was available and necessary, I would have worked with Cat for a whole year if I could. She was awesome!"
Miranda Hall, Break Up Recovery Coach, Australia
"Before working with Cat I knew I wanted to be doing something in addition to my work as a VA that was fun, creative, and made a difference! Now I have all the pieces in place to implement a truly spectacular business idea that I'm excited about!
I also feel more confident about the skills I have to share with others. I am launching my Create Your Laptop Life program to help women get their own virtual assistant businesses up and running. I have 29 clients signed up for the beta round which makes it an $14k launch for my biz partner and I - I am so super excited about it!”
Madelaine Corke, VA Lifestyle Expert, Canada madelainecorke.com
"Cat is knowledgeable, patient, kind and firm... a rare and unique combination. She knows what needs to be done when setting up a new online business and is gifted in her ability to help you identify your niche to achieve your business goals with fun, inspiration and grace.
Throw in that she knows when she need to be firm and hold you accountable and you have a winning combination for any entrepreneur at the start of their dream business journey. I felt confident and secure following all of her advice.
Before I was working with Cat my days were unstructured, I didn’t know how to attract clients and was terrified of setting my prices and conducting sales calls. I now feel comfortable with my sales calls. My offers and copy on the website has been tweaked and improved. I have a scheduling and accountability system in place. I have shifted some of my fears around moving forward in my business and I have two paying clients and four in the pipeline!! Quite frankly wish I had called her about a year sooner!"
Abby Strandley, Health Coach, Australia
"I hired Cat because I wanted to be my own boss and work my own hours but I was just struggling to narrow down all of my random business ideas to just one and knew I needed guidance.
Without Cat’s gentle push, I would not have felt like I was ready for clients, but I’m super excited to tell you that I have just locked in my first 2 paying clients. Cat has been my rock. Always honest and supportive and comes highly recommended by me. Don’t wait until you think you’re ready – you just need to start.”
Tina Okey Graphic & Web Designer, Australia wplaunchme.com
"Working with Cat has been my best business decision! In the first hour we moved forward more than I did in the entire previous year. It not only helped me to see new possibilities, I also came away with a business idea that fits completely who I am, my skills and my "zone of genius”. Within a few short sessions I had in my hands a concrete plan for my business, an outline for my freebie, a long list of possible articles for my blog and at least 3 service offerings that are perfectly suited to what I do.
Cat is not only a generous, warm and friendly person, but as a professional is really flawless and delivered 100%.
I learned a lot from her as to how to treat a customer and how to organize work. If you are thinking of a thousand business options and can not decide, if the doubt paralyses you and want to clarify your ideas and really want to take concrete actions to realize your dreams, I recommend working with Cat."
Lorena Busso, Argentina lorenabusso.com
"When Cat and I started working together, I was in a really rough place. I'd been feeling strongly called to online entrepreneurship, but I had so many ideas rolling around in my head, and I had no idea which one was a viable idea (or if any of them were!). I'd filled the business-idea void with courses on how to build an online business, but the courses were just contributing to my frustration because I didn't have a way to apply the knowledge.
I was feeling incredibly down, and almost depressed some days. I knew I had some amazing gift inside of me that I wanted to share in the business world, but I'd become so pigeon-holed in my career the healthcare industry, I wasn't sure which gifts I had that would even translate into an online business. I was feeling really directionless and stuck.
Going through the bootcamp step by step helped me understand the value of setting my business up correctly from the start. Without Cat's help, I probably would have developed some offers and launched a website, and then wondered why I wasn't getting clients! With Cat's help, I have a solid foundation in place for my business. Her program is really comprehensive and will give you the confidence you need to successfully launch your online business and get clients. As a result of Cat's bootcamp, I finally have a solid business and I am applying all the skills I've learned in my life and in my online learning. I'm already working with clients and building business relationships that will last far into the future."
Amber Jordan, Financial Coach, USA
"Cat is not only a venture catalyst, she's a life force to be reckoned with! Before working with Cat, I was totally overwhelmed by which kind of business I wanted to launch. There were literally too many ideas flying through my head and I was spinning into more and more of a mess. I was a screw top on the fast track to business oblivion...before I'd even started! I have done plenty of other online courses and Cat's simple but effective methodology for getting you to where you need to be is second to none.
Going through Cat's program was exactly what I needed to step back and methodically work through all of my ideas an options - even the crazy ones. I now have a rock solid business idea that I can't wait to unleash onto the world. If you need help to distill all of your ideas into a viable and actionable business, stop what you're doing right now and connect with Cat! Seriously. Go do it now. You've already wasted enough time spinning!
Cat truly does turn your brilliance into business ideas, and puts a rocket fuelled pep into your step while she's at it!"
Tracey Gobey, Australia thebootstrapassembly.com
"I knew next to nothing about starting an online business. I didn't know what "copy" was referring to. I hadn't even really thought much about going online with my services. I had education in an area that could start a business but I didn't have any idea how to go about doing it. Through working with Cat I gained confidence, a core supportive group of women and a business that is pretty much ready to go. And I got a lot of resources to help me along the way. Cat is wonderful. You don't really have to know anything about starting a business to go through bootcamp and you come out on the other end with a lot of knowledge and are able to start with paying clients."
Adrienne Lee, Dietician, USA, wholebodyandheart.com
"I tried to start so many businesses before but never landed on the right idea so I had no hesitations in working with Cat, in fact the choice was an obvious one for me! When I booked The Idea Generator I’d paid a lot of money for a mastermind that wasn’t really delivering results for me as yet, as I didn't have the right business idea, so I really wanted to start my own successful business once and for all!
I was really happy with The Idea Generator and in particular Cat’s follow up which really gave me a lot of clarity, I loved Cat’s work!
It was great to get validation on the idea and know I’m not wasting my time with something that would never have worked. I would highly recommend Cat to anyone who feels like they are jumping from idea to idea without finding their feet."
Christina Hanna Mifsud, Business Efficiency Expert, Australia
"I had no hesitations in working with Cat. I had so many ideas bouncing around in my head I wasn’t sure which one I should pursue at the expense of not being able to follow another, I was confused. Cat was able to help me hone down to my “why” and then, from a few of my ideas blended together, we were able to come up with some new ideas that felt fresh, unique and completely ME!
Cat broke down "next steps" for me, including very clear directives for what kinds of offerings I should develop in the immediate future. It felt very natural and most importantly, achievable!
I would recommend Cat to anyone who has lots of good ideas for a business, but has trouble figuring out which one to go with! Cat has a very compassionate and understanding spirit and is able to clearly guide hyperactive minds to a solution that resonates with their motivation."
Shiopei Low, USA
"When I approached Cat to work with her I was going through a hugely transitional period in my life. Lots had changed in my personal life, I had recently rebranded my business and started another, and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed as to how to move forward.
The process of the “The Idea Generator” got me thinking way out side the box. Cat had me writing down everything that was going on in my head including my wildest ideas and dreams. Her amazing ability and insight enabled her to see through my ramblings to pull out the main points of my business giving me the clarity I was craving.
If you’re like me with one or too many ideas, I can’t recommend Cat more highly. She is the one you want on your side to wade through it all to find the nugget you need to run forward with. She’s motivated, a great help in finding clarity around your ideas and someone who will keep you accountable along the journey. I am really looking forward to working with her again in the future."
Natasha Tay, Australia pocketyogini.com
"Cat really helped me get clarity about the direction of my business. After speaking with her I had a "ah ha" moment and made some big changes to make more time for my business. I found a business partner and since then have opened the business to global artists. Our conversations helped me refocus my energy on what I really want in life. I now feel much more in control of my future."
Akshaya Borker, Australia The Craft Gallery
"Heartbreak, only worse. Defeat, feelings of failure, the inability to pick up and carry on anymore.
Realising that 2 years after you have started building your business dream, that the market has changed so much that your initial offerings are no longer viable, and the big boys in your industry have taken your ideas and done them 100 times better, with 100 times more kudos. Good to know my initial idea was indeed that good, but devastating to think that I had to start all over again.
The word 'business coach' came up so many times from so many people around me that I knew I had to bite the bullet and do it. All the success stories do it. Crunch time.
I simply couldn't face going through the whole process of starting up again and in my heart of hearts knew I needed someone to take me by the hand and lead me. I didn't have the strength to do it alone! So I put the call out, spoke to loads of different coaches and after a very confronting week speaking to all types of different coaches, I went with Cat. Don't ask me why, it just felt right.
The first half day was all about getting to understand what the root of the problem was with my business - very confronting to stare down the barrel of throwing everything away and starting again but Cat was able to ask all the right questions, and be the perfect devil's advocate, so that I could drill down to exactly what it was I really WANTED to be doing, instead of what I thought I SHOULD be doing. More importantly, how I wanted to market myself and my services instead of how I thought the world expected to see what someone like me does.
I actually cried. A lot. Lots of realisations and ah ha moments.
Between the first and second half day sessions it was like a lightbulb turning on - every time I spoke to someone about the change my business needed to go through, I got a clearer and clearer picture of what I wanted to be doing. So much so, that at the second session, with Cat's help, we pretty much NAILED the vision, mission, offerings, website structure, opt-in and plan for the next few months. All in a few hours. Seriously. The woman is a business coaching earth angel.
This is something I had been struggling with, avoiding, burying my head in the sand over for nearly 2 years. She helped me straighten it out within a matter of hours. She's gentle, but pushes to you answer those questions that you NEED to answer to be able to move forward. Her suggestions provoke you to think. I mean really THINK. She's fun, personable, business and tech savvy to boot. I'm so excited to see what the next few months will bring with Cat's guidance and support. I've gotten so much value from the first day alone, I'm PUMPED about what's coming next. Woot woot!"
I year on...
"I’m doing work that I love. I’m working with people that I love and it’s just an absolute joy to be in business. I don’t know if I’d have gotten there if I hadn’t had someone guide me to get that part of the process started.
That was only a year ago that I talked to Cat and now, I’m doing what I love doing and I don’t know if I would have been able to do that without Cat’s help - so Thanks Cat! Total game changer!"
Maria Doyle, Australia mariadoyle.com
"I have just completed Cat’s ‘Idea Generator’. I have to say that I really enjoyed the process. Thinking back through all of the things I had done in my life and working through my strengths and my weaknesses made me very aware of my capabilities. Having someone like Cat validate my ideas and providing lots of new ones took a lot of the fear out of my decision to go into business and helped to define which direction that business would take.
This morning we had our 1:1 coaching session and I have come away with clarity and a renewed drive and a whole bunch of extra EXCITEMENT! This afternoon I have a new confidence, a spring in my step and a silly little smile on my face – kind of like when you fall in love. Thank you so so much Cat"
Min Giannini, Australia mingiannini.com
“From the moment Cat started asking me questions about my business, I started getting rejuvenated in what I was doing. I’m a fun quirky girl in a boring industry and when I asked for advice on how to target what I thought was my target market, in a few conversations Cat opened my eyes to something better. My target market was right in front of me the entire time, but I didn’t see it. She not only nailed a new target market, but an ideal client and a niche I will be happy to serve. I’m telling you, if she can make something out of what I thought was a cut and dry industry, she can work magic on you. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for some answers. After months of agonizing over the words ideal client and target market, Cat brought happiness back to what I love doing. Thanks Cat!”
Ashley Tucker, Auto Transport Broker, USA relogeek.com
"When I hired Cat I needed to reposition myself for a new chapter. I had the big vision, but was tentative about committing to the steps to get there. I needed someone in my corner, someone who talked the same language and could provide the structure, focus and support to get there.
I felt a strong sense of confidence and belief resulting from setting things up strategically from the start. I hadn't made a half assed attempt on my own that would lead me down a dark alley, I had invested in setting up something the right way that would suit my life moving forward.
Through Cat's guidance and support every step of the way I have my business up and launched (no small feat!)
I would absolutely recommend Cat. She's the real deal, no fluff, hype or BS. She's a strategic thinker who can nut out a roadblock in no time and keep you moving forward. She's friendly, warm, down to earth and really cares. So if you're looking to start a business or reposition your offerings get Cat on your team, you won't regret it.”
Wendy Ray, Online Marketing Coach, Australia Shine Bright Digital
"Ever since I first came in contact with Cat back in 2011 she has been my loudest cheerleader. She straight away recognised my strengths and helped me to identify and take advantage of opportunities to develop these. In all of my interactions with Cat she has made me feel special, understood and best of all worthwhile! She has a wonderful way of quelling any doubts I have had as they come up and has always been there for me along my journey to keep me on track during those freak out moments. Thanks to Cat I am taking steps everyday towards my dream and enjoying every minute of it! I don't know how she manages it but she has always had exactly the right solution for me at exactly the right time and she really believes in me. The sky is the limit and there is no better way to describe it than that Cat has been a catalyst of awesome in my life. Cat, I will never be able to thank you enough."
"Cat walks her talk. She has a particular expertise that is rare in coaches and that is she has an amazing ability to draw out your strengths even if you don’t know them. Cat’s been a valuable source of guidance to me and her coaching has been very instrumental in making some life changing business decisions."
Shae **SEO Superqueen** Baxter, Australia shaebaxter.com
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